Saturday, February 9, 2008

New Studio

I haven't been posting, I haven't been painting. Besides seasonal allergies and school, I've been focused on my whole-house renovation. After many weeks of doing demo ourselves, the contractors started in earnest this week. There's nothing like a huge red dumpster in the front yard to get the neighbors talking.

One of my "promote your art" classmate Jerry Cable wrote this morning about suddenly finding the studio of his dreams. My remodel will also provide me my first very-own studio (not a rental). It is the room that was once a bedroom shared by me and my sister, and in later years was our parents' room. It has four windows and looks out onto the backyard, including the garden and a small pasture with horses. A few years ago a robin build a nest outside the window and I got to watch as the eggs hatched and the young robins grew up. I think this will be the perfect studio.
This photo is of my and my sister Mary Ellen having a tea party in the same room.

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